12 Kids’ Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

12 Kids’ Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

When you become a parent, you earn a medical merit badge of sorts. Whether you’re sopping up a goopy nose or extracting a dangling-by-a-thread baby tooth, eventually few things faze you. But sometimes it’s tough to tell what warrants a call to your doctor’s office: Which temperature actually classifies as a “high fever”? What kind

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14 (Very) Early Pregnancy Symptoms

14 (Very) Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Think you’re pregnant? If you’re the impatient type, here are the most common first symptoms of pregnancy that can start as early as the week before your period. If you’ve already experienced a few, it may be time to head to the drugstore to pick up a pregnancy test or schedule an appointment with your

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Stretch marks in pregnancy (Video)

Stretch marks in pregnancy (Video)

As your body changes to accommodate your growing baby, you may notice the appearance of stretch marks. Find out what causes stretch marks in pregnancy, which areas of your body are most commonly affected, and what happens to them after you’ve given birth. Click on the link below: https://www.babycentre.co.uk/v25021606/stretch-marks-in-pregnancy-video Read in Magazine

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Sleeping with a bump

Sleeping with a bump

Make time for fun Do something that will help to take your mind off your pregnancy for a while. See a feel-good movie, catch up with friends over lunch or sit in your garden with a good book. You can even create your own mini spa to pamper yourself at home. Do some gentle exercise

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