Addicted to the internet Behavioral therapy could work, researchers find

Addicted to the internet Behavioral therapy could work, researchers find

Many people spend hours on the internet every week — but some people can’t pull away. For individuals with internet addiction, there’s a type of short-term therapy that can be an effective treatment, according to a small study published Wednesday in medical journal JAMA Psychiatry. Researchers found that 69.4% of men with internet addiction entered

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WHO Work Burnout, Gaming Addiction Are Diseases

WHO Work Burnout, Gaming Addiction Are Diseases

Work burnout is now a legitimate medical diagnosis, and gaming addiction is a mental health disorder, the World Health Organization says. They will be included in the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which guides medical providers in diagnosing diseases. Burnout is now included in the handbooks’ section on problems related to employment or unemployment,

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