Vaping-Related Lung Illnesses Continue to Rise

Vaping-Related Lung Illnesses Continue to Rise

Thirty-three people have now died due to vaping-related illness in the U.S. Tennessee and Montana reported their first deaths and Minnesota and Indiana each reported two additional deaths. In Minnesota, state health officials said both deaths were in adults over 50, and one vaped illegal THC. The second had “severe underlying conditions” and had vaped

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Vaping-related lung illnesses rise

Vaping-related lung illnesses rise

As vaping-related lung illnesses continue to climb in the U.S., public health officials are narrowing in on two possible links: vitamin E and black-market vape cartridges. In New York, where 34 cases of the severe lung disease have been reported Department of Health officials said they are focusing on vitamin E acetate after finding it

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