Is There a Safer Way to Sterilize Medical Equipment?

Is There a Safer Way to Sterilize Medical Equipment?

In 2005, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered banning ethylene oxide in new sterilizing facilities because of the cancer risk it posed to residents who lived around the plants. “We also considered prohibiting the use of ethylene oxide for new facilities, which would necessitate the use of an alternative sterilization process,” reads the proposed rule,

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Age Dampens Narcissists’ Self-Love, Study Finds

Age Dampens Narcissists’ Self-Love, Study Finds

Narcissism is not a good look at any age, but new research suggests it fades as people enter their 40s. However, the degree of decline in narcissism varies between individuals and can be related to their career and relationships, the researchers added. Overall, the “findings should bring comfort to those who are concerned that young

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Death Toll Rises From EEE Virus

Death Toll Rises From EEE Virus

Medical officials are warning residents about the rare but deadly eastern equine encephalitis virus, or EEE. The mosquito-borne virus has claimed the lives of five people in recent weeks: a Massachusetts mother, a woman in Rhode Island over the age of 50 from West Warwick, and three people from Michigan. “Michigan is currently experiencing its

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