FDA OKs Wearable Device for Migraine Pain

FDA OKs Wearable Device for Migraine Pain

The FDA has cleared a noninvasive device to relieve acute migraine pain. Nerivio Migra is a “first-in-category product,” according to Theranica, the company that makes it. It is worn on the upper arm and uses smartphone-controlled electronic pulses to relieve migraine painThe device is for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura in

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Energy drinks may have unintended health risks

Energy drinks may have unintended health risks

Energy drinks may promise a boost, but experts are increasingly concerned that their cocktails of ingredients could have unintended health risks. A study published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that caffeinated energy drinks altered the heart’s electrical activity and raised blood pressure. The extent of these electrical changes — which

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