Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 29 March 2020

Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 29 March 2020

As of 29 March 2020, 331 122 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK: Italy (92 472), Spain (72 248), Germany (52 547), France (37 575), United Kingdom (17 089), Netherlands (9 762), Belgium (9 134), Austria (8 291), Portugal (5 170), Norway (3 845), Sweden (3 447), Czech Republic (2 663), Ireland (2 415), Denmark (2 201), Luxembourg (1 831), Poland (1 638), Romania (1 452), Finland (1 218), Greece

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You want a coronavirus test — here’s why your doctor probably won’t give you one

You want a coronavirus test — here’s why your doctor probably won’t give you one

If you want to get a test for the novel coronavirus, you’re in good company. “One of my sisters called me yesterday [and said], ‘I have to have my daughter tested for coronavirus,’” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a press briefing Wednesday. The governor’s niece had a fever and flu-like symptoms. Yet he told his

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